Thursday, March 27, 2014

Early Warning Security Systems

The things you learn by going places! 

Today I was at Heritage Farmstead Museum in Plano. While we were talking I kept hearing a squeaking sound. It sounded like squeaky metal so I wondered if it was their windmill or maybe a loose gate or something like that. Come to find out, it was their guineafowl!

Turns out guineafowl were pioneers' early warning security system.  They had no home alarm systems back then. Heck, they didn't have electricity! So they certainly couldn't have electrified fences to keep out predators. Instead, they had guineafowl. 

Guineafowl make good "watch-birds" warning farmers of intruders with their loud chatter or what sounded like a squeaking noise to me.  No need for an electric fence to keep out predators or thieves when you have guineafowl running around.  They are also good for tick and pest control as they will eat up those little critters.

In case you are wondering, yes, you can also eat them. They are considered dark meat. They also lay eggs which are edible. In fact, the museum told me they once collected some of their eggs to try out. While it took a  few more eggs to make an omelet because their eggs are smaller, they were still tasty, albeit a bit more "game-y."

So, there you have it, moms! Next time you are at Heritage Farmstead, any other farm museum or just want to share a tidbit with your kids, mention the purpose of guineafowl as early warning security systems. The more your kids learn, the smarter they become! :)

Heritage Farmstead is featured in my new book, Kidding Around Town, so you can add this little lesson to your toolkit next time you visit there.

As a mom myself I encourage you to take your kids places and teach them while you are there. I'm sure you're already doing a great job!  Kidding Around Town gives you that added extra "boost" of material you may not have thought of.


Kidding Around Town is based on research that shows early involvement and learning encourages dendrite development in the brain resulting in a smarter child.  To assist in this development process Kidding Around Town provides local destinations and age-appropriate activities to help guide you with your outing adventures.

HURRY & take advantage of our introductory special offer!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

JFK Assassination Weird Facts

On a recent trip to the Texas Hill Country my family and I visited the LBJ Ranch. While we were visiting the ranch we took a tour of LBJ's home.

As part of the tour we unexpectedly learned some JFK Assassination Weird Facts.

Many of you may know that on November 22, 1963 as part of JFK's tour of Texas he planned to finish up the day by spending time at LBJ's ranch.  After his motorcade through Dallas he was supposed to speak at the Dallas Trade Mart and end the day travelling to LBJ's ranch. As you know, the story did not turn out that way.

On the morning of November 22, 1963 in anticipation of JFK's visit, the kitchen staff at LBJ's ranch were busy preparing the evening meal for his arrival.  President Kennedy apparently remarked that he had never had pecan pie, a southern delicacy. Being from Massachusetts, that comes as no surprise. To honor JFK's request, Lady Bird planned on serving pecan pie for their dessert.

Just as the kitchen staff were pulling the pecan pies out of the oven, they heard the news on the TV that JFK had been shot.  One of the staff wondered what they should do with the pie. So the JFK Assassination Weird Facts story goes, Lady Bird said they would bring the pie to Washington DC. Not that JFK would ever get to eat it, but to let his family know their intentions of surprising the president with this southern favorite.

Those are some JFK Assassination Weird Facts that we had never heard!  These anecdotes aren't typical JFK Assassination Weird Facts, but rather bring the human element into the story of the JFK assassination. This is about the president who was also a man. We sometimes forget when thinking of his assassination that he was also a man with human needs like you and me. According to the White House chef at the time JFK was no "foodie" instead needing to be reminded to eat. This is probably as a result of his persistent digestive problems.  Regardless, it brought the human element to mind when we heard these JFK Assassination Weird Facts.

If you are ever in the Texas Hill Country, a stop at the LBJ Ranch is worth the time. It is no wonder LBJ liked to come home to Texas whenever he could to relax. His ranch is set on thousands of acres of beautiful hill country land with a spectacular view of the Pedernales River. In his will he gifted several hundred of the acres to the Texas Parks so that we could all enjoy what he did.

Parents, we encourage you to take your kids out places like the LBJ Ranch or other locations. By doing so, interacting with them and teaching them, you are actually making them smarter. And who knows, you may just stumble upon something interesting like JFK Assassination Weird Facts!

P.S. You'll find a lots of suggestions where to take your kids and activities to do there in Kidding Around Town. Read more below.

ORDER YOUR COPY of Kidding Around Town TODAY!!

HURRY & take advantage of our introductory special offer!

Kidding Around Town is based on research that shows early involvement and learning encourages dendrite development in the brain resulting in a smarter child.  To assist in this development process Kidding Around Town provides local destinations and age-appropriate activities to help guide you with your outing adventures.

Friday, March 14, 2014

What can you learn at a St Patricks Day Parade

What can you learn at a St Patricks Day Parade

Who would think a parade could be educational, right?  It can be!  In fact, as moms, you are probably already teaching your child much more than you realize.  As the Around-Town Mom I’m here to tell you to give yourself that pat on the back for doing a great job and encouraging you to do more with my handy tips.

Watching the parade can stimulate all kinds of conversation for all ages. For school age children it’s a bit easier to ask them what they know about St Patrick’s Day then fill them in on the missing pieces of information. For younger children you can still ask them what they think St. Patrick’s Day is about because it will be fun hearing their answers!

For the youngest children keep them busy watching the colorful floats, counting similar items, pointing out shapes and discussing funny costumes.  When my son was younger he was fascinated by leprechauns.  Have your younger children see how many leprechauns they can spot.  Also see if you can find any pots of gold. Talk about how the stories of leprechauns and pot of gold got started.

Before you go if you have older children, ask them to google how the customs of “Kiss me I’m Irish” and pinching if you don’t wear green got started. How did they get started anyway? I really don’t know!

Enjoy your St Patrick’s Day whatever you do.  I do have Irish blood in me so I’ll be wearing green so I won’t get pinched! 

The Around-Town Mom
(C) Copyright 2014

P.S. You'll find more educational tips in my newest book, Kidding Around Town. Read more below.

ORDER YOUR COPY of Kidding Around Town TODAY!!

HURRY & take advantage of our introductory special offer!

Kidding Around Town is based on research that shows early involvement and learning encourages dendrite development in the brain resulting in a smarter child.  To assist in this development process Kidding Around Town provides local destinations and age-appropriate activities to help guide you with your outing adventures.  It is a "Must" in every parent's tool kit!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Where can I take my kids for Free?

OMG Spring Break is here!  Where can I take my kids for Free?

Ready, Set, Go! You'd be surprised to know just how many FREE places there are in Dallas Fort Worth.

A great reference for you in our newest book, Kidding AroundTown.  We have developed a a one-of-the kind Dollar Rating Guide. This Dollar Rating Guide has a list of all the free places in our area. And you'll be surprised at just how many there are - I was! These aren't out of the way obscure places, either. Many are well known museums.  Free Admission, Free Parking and it's your Free Time!

Looking for more ways to cut costs on your outing:

*Pack a picnic lunch or take some road snacks to cut down on your adventure costs.
*Skip the souvenirs and take lots of photos.
*Car pool with a friend!

*Skip the gift shop! (We have all been there!)

P.S. You'll find a whole lot more useful info in Kidding Around Town. Read more below.

ORDER YOUR COPY of Kidding Around Town TODAY!!

HURRY & take advantage of our introductory special offer!

Kidding Around Town is based on research that shows early involvement and learning encourages dendrite development in the brain resulting in a smarter child.  To assist in this development process Kidding Around Town provides local destinations and age-appropriate activities to help guide you with your outing adventures.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

I've Given Birth!

Never having published a book before I can tell you it is a bit like being pregnant. It's a process that takes a while to develop but once it's here you're glad it's over and you have your little "present" at the end!

Thank you for hanging in there with me while I worked on the book. As anyone can tell you who've written a book before writing it is the easy part! It's the editing that is time consuming.

It's done and I'm super excited to share Kidding Around Town with you!  If you're not sure about the book, then please read our FAQ page for why you need this book!

Kidding Around Town is based on research that shows early involvement and learning encourages dendrite development in the brain resulting in a smarter child.

To assist in this development process Kidding Around Town provides local destinations and activities to help guide you with your outing adventures.  Read more....

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