Today I was at Heritage Farmstead Museum in Plano. While we were talking I kept hearing a squeaking sound. It sounded like squeaky metal so I wondered if it was their windmill or maybe a loose gate or something like that. Come to find out, it was their guineafowl!
Turns out guineafowl were pioneers' early warning security system. They had no home alarm systems back then. Heck, they didn't have electricity! So they certainly couldn't have electrified fences to keep out predators. Instead, they had guineafowl.
Guineafowl make good "watch-birds" warning farmers of intruders with their loud chatter or what sounded like a squeaking noise to me. No need for an electric fence to keep out predators or thieves when you have guineafowl running around. They are also good for tick and pest control as they will eat up those little critters.
In case you are wondering, yes, you can also eat them. They are considered dark meat. They also lay eggs which are edible. In fact, the museum told me they once collected some of their eggs to try out. While it took a few more eggs to make an omelet because their eggs are smaller, they were still tasty, albeit a bit more "game-y."
So, there you have it, moms! Next time you are at Heritage Farmstead, any other farm museum or just want to share a tidbit with your kids, mention the purpose of guineafowl as early warning security systems. The more your kids learn, the smarter they become! :)
Heritage Farmstead is featured in my new book, Kidding Around Town, so you can add this little lesson to your toolkit next time you visit there.
As a mom myself I encourage you to take your kids places and teach them while you are there. I'm sure you're already doing a great job! Kidding Around Town gives you that added extra "boost" of material you may not have thought of.
Kidding Around Town is based on research that shows early involvement and learning encourages dendrite development in the brain resulting in a smarter child. To assist in this development process Kidding Around Town provides local destinations and age-appropriate activities to help guide you with your outing adventures.
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