Friday, March 7, 2014

Where can I take my kids for Free?

OMG Spring Break is here!  Where can I take my kids for Free?

Ready, Set, Go! You'd be surprised to know just how many FREE places there are in Dallas Fort Worth.

A great reference for you in our newest book, Kidding AroundTown.  We have developed a a one-of-the kind Dollar Rating Guide. This Dollar Rating Guide has a list of all the free places in our area. And you'll be surprised at just how many there are - I was! These aren't out of the way obscure places, either. Many are well known museums.  Free Admission, Free Parking and it's your Free Time!

Looking for more ways to cut costs on your outing:

*Pack a picnic lunch or take some road snacks to cut down on your adventure costs.
*Skip the souvenirs and take lots of photos.
*Car pool with a friend!

*Skip the gift shop! (We have all been there!)

P.S. You'll find a whole lot more useful info in Kidding Around Town. Read more below.

ORDER YOUR COPY of Kidding Around Town TODAY!!

HURRY & take advantage of our introductory special offer!

Kidding Around Town is based on research that shows early involvement and learning encourages dendrite development in the brain resulting in a smarter child.  To assist in this development process Kidding Around Town provides local destinations and age-appropriate activities to help guide you with your outing adventures.